Full stop…narcissist ahead!
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Full stop…narcissist ahead!

Although when people say the word narcissist, there are automatic red flags expected from the phrase, people still find themselves caught in a damaging relationship with a partner, family member, or colleague. Oftentimes, individuals question themselves, their reality, and experience low self-esteem. For some, the relationship is short-lived, while others spend years in a toxic dance.

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Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC


The phrase imposter syndrome is thrown around in many circles but especially related to career and the world of work. The premise involves someone who feels unworthy and less than. In the mind of someone experiencing imposterism, there is a strong sense of feeling fake. A person may seek improvement plans and wait for “the shoe to drop.” High achieving people tend to fall into the category too. Left unchecked and unsupported, the voice of the imposter drowns out the potential of growth and development.

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Got Self-Care?
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Got Self-Care?

As you gain momentum with the New Year, finding a routine is hard enough! If you are juggling numerous responsibilities and supporting others, giving yourself a few moments of self-care may seem impractical and impossible. Without taking time out, the risk of burn-out increases though.

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Navigating Grief & Loss
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Navigating Grief & Loss

Grief and loss are immeasurable, with no timetable. Oftentimes, society dictates a certain amount of time for grief and loss, and then people are told to move on. Grief is unique though, and there is no one standard experience nor any set timeframe. Each person needs to find their way to fully grieve.

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Balancing Sleep for Your Mental Health
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Balancing Sleep for Your Mental Health

When the time change occurs over the next month, resetting sleep becomes a focal point. For some though, sleep was already laborious. Society creates a culture of hustle, with constant information overflowing everywhere, not allowing the body and mind to slow down. Some experience FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) when they are not constantly involved and moving too. High productivity is demanded in careers/jobs, and family schedules insert numerous activities and events for children and adults.

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Supporting and Unpacking ADHD in Girls and Women
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Supporting and Unpacking ADHD in Girls and Women

Over the years, ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) have been common phrases heard in different circles. Since the late 80’s, ADD was replaced with ADHD in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (a professional work published by the American Psychiatric Association classifying mental health conditions). Fast forward to the current day, and the DSM lists three different kinds of diagnosis for ADHD: primarily hyperactive and impulsive, primarily inattentive, and combined type.

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Understanding Trauma
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Understanding Trauma

In the world of trauma care and support, “big T and little t trauma” are viewed in a synonymous way. All trauma is valid. “Big T” is defined as significant events like a natural disaster, violence, or war. “Little t” is used to describe events on a smaller scale such as a parent with a mental health disorder, bullying, loss of a job, or financial struggles. What if someone experiences “little t trauma” repeatedly? Over time, the smaller cuts produce unseen wounds. If left unchecked, death by 1,000 paper cuts create an infection.

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Finding Your Footing
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Finding Your Footing

What signals in your body, emotions, mind, or spirit help you understand when you find yourself out of step? Confusion, dissociation, emptiness, fatigue, irritability, intrusive thoughts, numbing, stomach pains, tight muscles, overwhelm, panic attacks, etc. provide crucial information about you. Take a moment to assess what happens to you.

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Mirror, Mirror!
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Mirror, Mirror!

Body image messages are everywhere, which in turn causes some to question their self-esteem and value. Social media sets up constant chatter and provides an easy upload to capture the “perfect” picture. If a person feels dissatisfied with an image, there is a way to color correct, embellish, modify, or tuck away. Swimming in a sea of social media images, people often pop from a post about a family member, AD, or pictures of friends and peers.

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Harnessing Healthy Relationships
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Harnessing Healthy Relationships

Relationships are multi-faceted and brimming over with messages and meaning, whether in-person, by phone, text, app, or social media. Every adult and child learns how to communicate, expressing what their relationships mean to them.  Some messages and behaviors are poisonous, leaving people hurt and stunned with what happened. Other times, words and actions affirm a deeper connection and growth, restoring appreciation in humanity.

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Finding Your Edges: Beautiful Boundaries
Mandy Melton, LPC Mandy Melton, LPC

Finding Your Edges: Beautiful Boundaries

Just as physical boundaries are present to create structure and safety for homes, buildings, and roadways, personal boundaries support emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual well-being. Take a moment to review the boundaries in your life! If you reevaluate some of your relationships, expect tension to surface. After all, it might be the first-time you are becoming aware, changing personal behaviors, standing up for yourself, and even challenging dysfunction.

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